Recently, I was giving a tour of EAM to a family member, whom I must point out is not employed in the manufacturing sector whatsoever. He was completely amazed at what was going on with the size and complexity of some of the automation equipment currently being assembled on the shop floor. He commented that he was saddened by the future loss of workers at the hands of this automation, and that EAM was going to displace many jobs with this round of equipment and all future projects.
I introduced him to a few of the employees at EAM so that he could see we were not monsters out to ruin the economy of the US, but working folks that were very talented in their respective fields of engineering and technical expertise. I then gave him a tour of our new facility up the road. A major facelift is in process of our 67,000 square foot building where the two divisions of Prescott Metal and EAM will merge and grow later this summer. During this tour I also explained that if US companies were not competitive in today’s market, all of these products we are automating would be made overseas.
This family member walked away with a true appreciation of what we do, impressed with how and why we do it, and a level of respect for our company owner who has the vision to expand our facility, the business, and in the process, grow our family of employees with good paying jobs and benefits to help propel the Maine and US economy forward.
-Mark Whitmore, Sales Manager
Machine Vision Integrators
It is truly amazing, the level of complexity in some of the automation equipment today. This technology enables us to manufacture at speeds previously unheard of. This also provides jobs for skilled workers to build and maintain such machines. I look forward to seeing the breakthroughs and new applications that await!