Lean Manufacturing vs Just in Time

There are many different types of production management that businesses use. One of the most popular is Just-In-Time manufacturing. This system is based on producing parts just before they are needed, and it helps to reduce waste and improve efficiency for many companies. It also means that you don’t have to stockpile a lot of parts – you only need enough to meet the demand. Here are some things to know about this technique, including how it can benefit your business, and what to do if you’re interested in implementing it in your company.

The basics of lean manufacturing

Just-In-Time manufacturing is an example of Lean Manufacturing. It involves making a lot of components and components that are needed at one point in time. Rather than having large stockpiles of parts that are never used, there is very little stockpiling. This minimises waste, and also increases efficiency because you don’t have to wait for a part to come from somewhere else, when it could have just been produced. How Just-In-Time Manufacturing can benefit your business The basic principle behind this system is that it can help you reduce costs because you don’t have to store and worry about a huge stockpiling of spare parts.

What is Just-In-Time production?

There are two key components to any Just-In-Time system, and both are needed to ensure that your business succeeds. The first is Inventory Management – if you don’t have an accurate and up to date inventory of what you need to make products, you will find yourself in trouble. That means you have to constantly order new components, and try to maintain a good balance of finished goods and raw materials. The second is Production Planning – to prevent overproduction, you need to schedule what will be made each day, and how much that will be. If you find that you need more than you are making, you can simply plan for more orders. Some of the benefits of using Just-In-Time production There are a lot of benefits to using Just-In-Time production.

How can this system benefit your business?

Fewer resources wasted A Just-In-Time (JIT) approach can be more efficient and cheaper than a lot of other business practices. This is because a lot of time and resources are spent on stocking up, storing, maintaining and sourcing parts and materials that the business never needs. A JIT approach can take away this waste, and this means you can spend that time and money on more important things. Lower error rate This system is based on working when products are needed, and not getting ready to make extra stock. So you don’t have to stock parts in large quantities and in advance. In a JIT approach, you can look at what products are needed in the coming week, and get prepared for them. This means that errors such as stockouts or broken items are significantly reduced.

How can you use it in your business?

For most businesses, they would probably still like to have the option of stockpiling parts, but sometimes the logistics involved in making this work are difficult. That’s where the Just-In-Time approach comes into play. This system means that you don’t have to have the parts on hand, so there is less waste and you can keep your factories operating 24 hours a day. The main advantages of this system are as follows: Having extra stock of parts means that the factory is always working. This is good for your business as it means that you’re constantly busy. This helps to keep customers happy as they don’t have to wait around when you’re busy. It also means that your workforce can stay on top of the production so they can continue to produce and reduce break times and unnecessary overtime.

What are the disadvantages of this system?

Just-In-Time Manufacturing involves working with materials that are typically not cost effective. So, it’s only worthwhile if you’re producing a lot of your products and have a lot of materials to keep track of. It can be very time consuming and hard to manage, especially if you use materials which are not versatile. It can also make manufacturing processes more expensive and can encourage laziness. How can Just-In-Time Manufacturing improve a business’s profitability? It can increase the profitability of your company. When goods are produced when they’re needed, you can cut down on waste and it’ll save you money. Just-In-Time Manufacturing also has the ability to increase your turnover.


Many different businesses are using various forms of production management these days, and this article has offered a broad overview of the different approaches available. Many of these businesses will also have tried and tested different approaches for a number of years and have decided which approach is best for them. This will be one of the most important steps you take in your business, so it is vital to give some serious thought to what approach suits your needs. It’s all part of your campaign to grow your business and achieve your goals.

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