The Future of Manufacturing and Machine Vision

If you have not heard about it yet, I will be talking tomorrow about the future of manufacturing. In this article, I will talk about the use of Artificial Intelligent Software (AiRobot) to facilitate the process of manufacturing for manufacturing applications. We are now at the point where material conditions and solutions for many human tasks can be derived from AI software programs. In the past, many people have commented on the redundancy in human jobs but with the help of artificial intelligence and machine vision, we can solve such problems while keeping our workforce happy. Consider if you will the following scenario which is similar to the robot manufacturing scenario in my opinion.

Let’s say there is a manufacturing plant that produces cars. The workers in the human workforce have been producing cars for 30 years without any improvements in the product. Recently, a robotic system was developed and it is called the autonomous car. This autonomous system has the ability to drive the vehicle and is capable of stopping the car when there is a problem with the steering or the tires. The system is fully automated and the system is scheduled by the production managers every week and cars are usually available for pick up after the work has been completed. Now imagine if this autonomous system had a camera that was able to detect a tire that needed to be changed and it also had the capability of changing the tire without human intervention.

This technology is referred to as machine vision and machine learning. Machine vision refers to the autonomous operation of the manufacturing machine and machine learning refers to the scheduling of the job. In the future, the automation of manufacturing processes will be able to replace the need for thousands of employees to perform maneuvering tasks in addition to reducing costs due to increased productivity and lowered repair costs.

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