Computer Vision Techniques

Computer Vision Techniques that will change the way you see the world around you have already been developed and refined. They are called Meta Machines. By writing Meta Computers or Programs, we can design systems to understand natural language, speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, scene analysis, and more. When writing computer vision techniques, […]

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Why Is Cloud Computing Important For Data Center Operations?

The term “automation” refers to a broad spectrum of technological approaches that minimize human intervention in everyday processes. Humans are reduced from the loop of control in most automated procedures-from initial decisions controlling the machine, all the way down to the detail of the last operation. Artificial intelligence applies this same approach in all areas

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Automation – An Essential Part of Manufacturing Processes

Automation has become an integral part of modern life. From the manufacturing floor to the office, machines help us in all walks of life. But automation may sometimes pose a threat to human safety. Robotic systems have the potential of performing tasks that traditionally require manpower, but at the same time pose a danger to

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The Future of Manufacturing and Machine Vision

If you have not heard about it yet, I will be talking tomorrow about the future of manufacturing. In this article, I will talk about the use of Artificial Intelligent Software (AiRobot) to facilitate the process of manufacturing for manufacturing applications. We are now at the point where material conditions and solutions for many human

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Future Of Manufacturing And Robot Manufacturing

As machine automation technologies improve and become more intelligent, robots that can work alongside their human co-workers in the manufacturing or healthcare industries are starting to emerge. In the past, robots have mainly been used to perform tasks such as welding, cutting, packaging and other manual tasks. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence into

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Manufacturing of the Future – A New Way of Doing Business

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review highlighted the future of manufacturing and the impact that additive manufacturing can have on it. This technology has the potential to revolutionize how we produce, both for products that we see in our shops and for materials that we manufacture inside of our own factories. In additive

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AI for Manufacturing – Future of Manufacturing With Artificial Intelligence

AI for manufacturing is one of the most futuristic buzzwords in the technology industry. We are already witnessing the rise of artificially intelligent machines which can replace workers in all types of factories. These machines are designed to work independently without asking for instructions from humans. They can work in all areas of a factory

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Equipment Modernization for Manufacturing

Modernization is a top priority for plant managers because it increases reliability and alleviates some of the safety concerns that older equipment brings with it. Equipment modernization enables companies to introduce modern technologies that support the cloud and IoT capabilities that are becoming more and more commonplace. Direct replacement solutions reduce downtime with minimal equipment

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What Is The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become the most widely used buzzwords in the manufacturing industry, and for good reason. They can assist businesses in streamlining procedures, in addition to uncovering data for better decision making. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been boosting practically every manufacturing industry by allowing people

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Impact of Manufacturing Robotics In Today’s Labor Market

Robotic manufacturing is not a new concept. However, due to recent spikes in demand and a tight labor market, compounded by other government policies, the demand for robotics in manufacturing is higher than ever. However, due to the lack of standards and complexity of robotic deployment, many companies are not able to truly realize the

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